Boost cash flow management: Hylobiz transforms Businesses!

Did you know that Hylobiz Propels Enterprises Towards Improved Returns on Investment?

Modern corporate business enterprises are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline operations and enhance efficiency.

Critical aspects that often pose challenges in the supply chain are the complexities in managing transactions, invoicing, and cash flow management. Despite substantial investments and tireless efforts by enterprises to automate various business processes, a seamless and efficient workflow has been elusive.

However, Hylobiz, a part of Vayana Network, offers a B2B trade automation platform that elevates enterprises’ supply chain efficiency. From accelerated collections to streamlined procure-to-pay processes, Hylobiz is a growth partner that propels enterprises towards improved returns on investment.

The complexities and the need for Automation 

Enterprises have made significant investments in automating various aspects of their operations, particularly in cash flow management.

However, the challenge lies in the complexity of connecting disparate tools and processes. The lack of a unified solution often leads to inefficiencies, delays, and errors in the supply chain workflow.

This is where Hylobiz steps in, providing a comprehensive and unified fintech platform designed to seamlessly integrate processes, unravel complexities, simplify workflows, and ensure controlled cash flow.

Digitizing the Collection Cycle for Improved Cash Flow Management

Hylobiz focuses on digitizing the entire collection cycle, offering advanced solutions that empower enterprises to succeed in today’s digital ecosystem.

By seamlessly connecting existing ERP systems with the bank accounts, Hylobiz enables sustained growth and operational efficiency. The platform offers a cloud-ready solution tailored to the specific requirements of businesses, ensuring 100% security with industry-best practices.

Features that Drive Efficiency:

  • Unified Solution Integration: Hylobiz provides a unified solution that seamlessly integrates processes, unravels complexities, simplifies workflows, and ensures controlled cash flow, ultimately driving a stronger return on investment. 
  • Real-time Transaction Tracking: The platform offers a smart dashboard and automated reports for accurate transaction tracking. Users can generate outstanding and invoice status reports allowing instant financial insights anytime, anywhere. 
  • Automated Digital Collections: Hylobiz facilitates accelerated collections by enabling users to send out invoices, reminders, and payment links via SMS, WhatsApp, or email. The platform supports multiple payment modes, including net banking, debit/credit cards, cash, or cheque. 
  • Transparent Field Collections: It brings transparency to field collections, providing real-time insights that build trust and satisfaction among business networks. Teams are empowered with transparent field collection solutions. 
  • Efficient Reconciliation: It eliminates tedious reconciliations with quick ERP and bank account integration. Real-time sync and reverse sync with ERP ensure that transactions are updated automatically, and automated settlement benefits are available. 
  • Digital Storefront and E-commerce Integration: Businesses can enhance their online discoverability with a digital storefront. Hylobiz enables API integration for e-commerce platforms, improving sales and strengthening overall business operations.

Comprehensive Invoice Management and Document Exchange Solutions 

Hylobiz goes beyond traditional business process management by offering a suite of features for every business across industries and verticals

  • Digitization of Invoices and Delivery Notes: Enterprises can effortlessly deliver invoices and delivery notes from their ERP systems to buyers’ mailboxes, ensuring a quicker invoicing process with unprecedented efficiency, accuracy, and convenience. 
  • Automated Procure to Pay Process: Hylobiz streamlines the procure-to-pay process by implementing a tailored purchase order to invoice workflow for tier 2 networks. This ensures a seamless, error-free, and productive process. 
  • Automated Collections: Enterprises can experience a transformative change in cash flow with automated collections and configurable reminders. 

How Hylobiz Drives Returns on Investment ?

Hylobiz positions itself as a growth partner for enterprises by offering a cost-effective and advanced solution that caters to the demands of today’s digital ecosystem. No waste of funds in paper processes, and excessive overheads. 

Enterprise businesses partnered with Hylobiz can see a significant improvement in ROI by atleast 40%.  

The solution addresses critical pain points in the supply chain, enabling businesses to achieve improved returns on investment through:

  • Efficiency Gains: By digitizing and automating various processes, Hylobiz solution significantly reduces manual effort, minimizes errors, and accelerates the entire supply chain workflow. This leads to increased operational efficiency and resource optimization. 
  • Faster Collections: The automated collection features, including payment reminders and multiple payment modes, expedite the collection cycle. Faster collections contribute to improved cash flow, enabling enterprises to reinvest capital more quickly. 
  • Enhanced Transparency: Real-time tracking, reconciliation, and transparent field collections contribute to enhanced visibility across the supply chain. This transparency not only builds trust among business networks but also allows for proactive decision-making. 
  • Streamlined Procure-to-Pay: The automated procure-to-pay process ensures that transactions are seamless, error-free, and timely. This eliminates delays and discrepancies in the supply chain, contributing to overall efficiency gains. 
  • Strategic Business Insights: The real-time business dashboard provides enterprises with valuable insights into their financial health, overdue transactions, and upcoming activities. These insights empower businesses to make informed strategic decisions.
Achieving Success with Hylobiz

Hylobiz is a comprehensive solution that propels enterprises towards improved returns on investment by addressing the challenges of supply chain management.

By digitizing and automating critical processes, the solution not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes to faster digital collections, transparent field collections, and strategic business insights.

Hylobiz stands out as a growth partner and catalyst for growth and success offering a transformative approach to supply chain optimization. No more errors, and no waste of time in recurring and tedious processes…hence improvement in ROI and consistent growth are ensured.

Hurry up! Contact us for a demo and experience more efficiency, transparency, and profitability in your business! 

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